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  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello Robot.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Dōmo arigatō misutā Robotto!
  • edited 9:07PM
    Me again,

    Just posted my de-lurk message at the other new visitors place to find that this end would probably have been more appropriate. To sum up what I wrote there: I have been living (renting) in Marquis Road since mid November, am nice and very funny. Much merriness to everyone too.
  • _q_q
    edited 9:07PM
    hello everyone!

    I'm another long time lurker... I signed up because I need a plumber (or preferably self taught cash in hand fixer upper). I used to live on SGR itself above Chryssos DIY until this year when I moved north to Holly Park, bottom of Crouch Hill. Chryssos DIY used to be my favourate shop in the whole world.. I'm also keen to see what goes into the new shop, there've been quite a few changes recently, haven't there?

    Anyway just thought I'd say hi.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Welcome _q, and Happy New Year. How would you be pronouncing that? (or is it a smiley of you with your tongue out and one eye?)
  • edited January 2009
    Hello everyone!

    I've rather given my name away in my username so I'll skip that bit..

    I will be moving from Tufnell Park to (the lower end of) Ferme Park Road next month.

    My impressions of Stroud Green so far have been formed entirely through two evening visits and Google, so I'm hoping that I haven't made a rash decision and that all the nice things I have heard are true.

    I'm particularly interested to find out about -

    - The library on Stapleton Hall Road (is it any good?)

    - The overland from Harringay to Moorgate (quicker than the tube for getting to the City?)

    - Travelling back to SG late at night (what are the best options?)

    - Food shopping alternatives to Tesco (Woody's...? Really..?)

    - Nice pubs (a smaller version of The Old Dairy would do nicely..)

    - Harringay/Haringey (so good they named it twice?)

    - Ferme Park Road (is it acceptable to pronounce this in an Inspector Clouseau accent?)

    I'm sure you've covered all of these exhaustively elsewhere so I'll have a look around.

    Bye for now.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hi Jamie, I think you've made a wise choice. On a couple of your points: - Harringay to Moorgate takes about 17 mins from memory, so is infinitely preferable to the tube. It can get remarkably crowded in rush hour though. - Travelling back to SG at night - depends how late, but the W3 bus is your friend up until about midnight as it goes from Finsbury Park station directly to Ferme Park Road. See various threads re: how bloody long the drivers keep you waiting in the cold. Various night buses run up and down Seven Sisters Road and a few via Hornsey Road. Tosscat will probably be along shortly to tell you about the Nicholas Nickleby pub (I've never been in) compared to the Old Dairy.
  • edited 9:07PM
    The NN's not all that in comparison with the Dairy - handy if you're waiting for a Firezza take out or waiting for a bus, but that's about it. Iwant to like it more, but it's just not doing it for me really I think you're after the Noble.
  • edited 9:07PM
    I've only been in the Nick once - while friendly enough, it really didn't smell nice. If you want a scruffy boozer full of old men with dogs, and you don't want it to smell like an unholy combination of stale beer, dust, sweat and toilet, I'd go for the Harringay Arms over the hill instead. And no-one seems to have mentioned that the Londis over the road is your alternative to Tesco's.
  • edited 9:07PM
    The HA is my favourite!
  • Hi

    I'm the member previously known as _q, to make things clearer I'm now using this much harder to misread username.

    The old name asn't going to be used anymore ayway, but its not a smiley and I don't want anyone to think of me "with your tongue out and one eye" (ShaunG). I don't mind abbreviating my name as Q, q, or _q

    I 'm happy for people to call me 'Qoppa' after the greek letter too, because it sounds like 'copper' and I like to fantasise that I'm a grisly rogue copper who plays by his own rules, but gets RESULTS.

    Just wanted to clear that up. I'm still looking for a plumber.

    btw jamie, I registered at the stapleton hall road library when I first moved to the area.. Its not great but I did find stuff I wanted to read.

    I agree about the noble - its smaller, and better than the old dairy. As a rogue copper I would say YES it is most def acceptable to say ferme park road in an inspector cluseau accent.

    As you say ferme you have to not only imagine its the french word ferme and not the name of a road in Enlgland but you also have to imagine a farmyard with chickens running around clucking etc. as this makes the 'R' sound much more correct.

    If anyone pronounces it 'Firm park road' you have to make a little scoffing noise with your breath (written as 'pah!' I believe)

    To clear up the Harringay/Haringey confusion: Harringay is the name of the 'town', Haringey the borough. So Harringay is to Haringey as Camden Town is to Camden - or as New York city is to New York State.

    What makes this more complicated is that Wood Green is the administrative headquarters of the borough of Haringey, but then the Hague is the seat of the Dutch government but everyone knows Amsterdam is the capital, so there should be no confusion really.

    The extra 'R' in Harringay is to indicate the silent 'H'. You pronounce it 'ARRinGaaaay', eg. "Yeah mate i'm on the ARRinGaaay Ladda."

    Wheras Haringey includes Crouch End and part of Highgate so its pronounced with the 'H' aspirated.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Plumber - it's a while since I've used him, but Pete Johans (020) 8368 5024 was very good and I've also used the Handyman service 0800 426 396 for small stuff.
  • Thanks markpack thats just what I need.
  • edited 9:07PM
    great post queuey!
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello all!

    I'm Princess L. Been living in the area for nearly two years now (yerk!). Posted my first post today - a proud moment.

    I love Hard as Nailz, Ariana's and Front Room yet am well confused by the pancake house.

  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello p_l. Congratulations on your first post. I'm very proud of you. I think the pancake place is well confusing too, but we live in strange times.
  • Hi princess_l, good to see this forum grow

    Thanks matt, and I like queuey.
  • edited 9:07PM
    What a lovely welcome :)
  • edited 9:07PM
    I've just joined so a tidy bonjour to everyone. I moved to London two years ago and have already lived in three houses - all in SG, for it is marvellous.

    I'm now on Hanley Rd with my mildly aggressive cat called Minou and two flatmates.

    I can pretty much guarantee that if you're walking your dog in the street and a girl greets (or at the very least grins widely) at the darling dog but maybe forgets to look at you on the other end of the lead - that's me...
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello there everyone - I'm Les from Hanley Road. Lived on this road for over ten years. Love the area and love the site. I'm Irish, have a son (born in Archway) and a Norwegian wife called Aud. You've probably seen me around and given me a wide berth. Which is wise.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello Les, Awesome, slightly menacing intro there. Welcome. Why would we have given you a wide berth?
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello Minou & Les, Both on Hanley Road! Minou, feel free to say hello to plum any time you see us - I hardly ever look at the owner either so won't be offended.
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello Minou and Lucy and of course Andy. I don't have a dog (does that mean i get completely blanked by all and sundry on the street?) but i do have a massively dysfunctional cat. Hope you're all doing well.
  • edited 9:07PM
    dear all,

    i've been meaning to join up for a while so i can answer some of the contructive critisisms and whitterings often posted about the old dairy. yes i am the manager, i love the old dairy and i love stroud green (i like to pretend its a bit like living in 1970's new york) and i'm happy to field any questions you may have about the pub... i'll try to address some of the negative points i've seen written (often they seem strangly hatefull! we're not that bad are we??).

    i've been here since april with my wife and our new baby boy (born 4 months ago at the whittington)... met lots of lovely people, seen the celebrity underbelly (alan carr, justin lee collins and catherine tate were in for lunch the other day... and yes, simon pegg and his miniture schnauzer do drink in here on a regular basis even though we're obviously not as niche and cool as the noble).

    please say hello when you pop in for a pint!
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hello Damok,

    Welcome. Congratulations on the birth of your son, I had mine at the Whittington too and Im having my second there. Its very hard at the beginning! Joe had colic for ages. It has got a lot easier now

    I havent been to The Dairy for ages as I dont get out much anymore but Im looking forward to a friends afternoon 'do' there in a few weeks time!

    Will say hello!

    All the best,

  • edited 9:07PM
    Hi Damok, Part of this is the internet - people are full-on in a way that they would never dare be in real life. And if you think you get a hard time, try reading the Front Room Cafe thread.... Well done for outing yourself too. Almost nobody else on this site would admit to who they really are (apart from Councillor Richard Watts and all he's good for is spoiling the end of The Wire).
  • edited 9:07PM
    Hi Damok, Didn't know you let dogs into the Dairy! Yippee. Lucy
  • edited February 2009
    I can do more than just spoil The Wire you know.

    Name another programme and I'll see if I can spoil the ending for that as well.
  • RegReg
    edited 9:07PM
    Hello peeps,

    This is my first post although I have been reading the various threads for a while. I moved to Corbyn Street with the girlf in June and haven't looked back. Although these Victorian houses are freeeezing in the winter. Ill fitting windows and doors might have character but are not very practical.

    We like the Old Dairy although also feel the service could be better. We were there the Monday of the 'big snow', were at the bar with only a couple of other people and it took so long to get served we nearly left. The bar is one of the better things about the area though. Also love PapaG, Chip shop on Tollington, Ariana, Petek and we want to like N4 but don't think they have got it right (again). Noble is a bit expensive, but seems to be busy anyway. Girlf feels quite safe (although I can't help feeling the street lights could be better). Like the resurfaced roads. And the Parkland Walk. Hornsey Road seems to be a rough diamond - I get a good £6 haircut on Bavaria (Costas) and we got a great carpet fitted by Hornsey Carpets.

    On the whole, a great place to be. Cllr Watts, next on list of things to do is sort out the schools so we don't have to move away...
  • edited 9:07PM
    hi reg... the day of the 'big snow' caught us with our pants down! we had one member of staff on and me all day until the cavalry (well, 2 other members of staff) came in at 6pm... my dad had just arrived from canada and was having to collect glasses and clear tables!!

    sorry for the slow service - we were playing catch up until later on in the night... crazy day!!

    lucy - doctor nick (the local vet) is bringing me some new dog bowls for their water - feel free to ask at the bar.
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